Women’s unique needs protected with LadyCare

The benefit(s) payable under eligible product are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact MCIS Life or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

Women’s unique needs protected with LadyCare

The benefit(s) payable under eligible product are protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s TIPS Brochure or contact MCIS Life or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

LadyCare is a life and medical insurance rider with comprehensive medical benefits that include female-specific illnesses and conditions.

What is LadyCare?

Women face a unique set of health challenges throughout their lives which can be very costly. Unfortunately, traditional insurance plans may not adequately cover various female critical and non-critical illnesses. The financial strain of these experiences can be immense for women, potentially affecting their access to the treatment they need or the efficiency of their recovery.

That’s why we’ve made LadyCare.

LadyCare is a comprehensive medical and life insurance rider available in the form of premium paying rider and unit deducting rider. It offers coverage for female and non-female-specific illnesses (critical and non-critical), as well as a periodic health assessment benefit. To be there for you later on in life, it also covers osteoporosis, and arthritis, as well as optional maternity benefits. With just one rider, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are financially protected against a wide range of health concerns, while also financially protecting those dependent on your income in the event of your demise.

LadyCare can be purchased as a rider to an existing traditional or investment-linked life insurance policy. This means that you can tailor the coverage to your specific needs and budget.

LadyCare Benefits

A. Female Illness Benefits

1.  Female Cancer (Breast(s), Cervix Uteri, Uterus, Ovary, Fallopian Tube, Vagina/Vulva) – 100% of Rider Sum Assured

Upon diagnosis with any one of the female cancers, 100% of the Rider Sum Assured less any amount payable under Carcinoma In-situ will be payable.

2.  Carcinoma In-Situ (Breast(s) or Cervix Uteri) – 20% of Rider Sum Assured

Upon diagnosis with Carcinoma In-Situ for either Breast(s) or Cervix Uteri, 20% of the Rider Sum Assured will be payable.

3.  Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis – 100% of Rider Sum Assured

Upon diagnosis with SLE, 100% of the Rider Sum Assured less any amount payable under Carcinoma In-Situ will be payable.

4.  Facial Reconstructive Surgery due to Accident – up to 20% of Rider Sum Assured

Full reimbursement of the actual expenses up to 20% of the Rider Sum Assured upon undergoing plastic or reconstructive surgery as a result of an accident.

5.  Skin Grafting due to Skin Cancer or Accidental Burning – up to 30% of Rider Sum Assured

Full reimbursement of the actual expenses up to 30% of the Rider Sum Assured upon undergoing skin grafting as a result of skin cancer or accidental burning.

6.  Reconstructive Surgery for Breast(s) due to Accident or Breast(s) Cancer – up to 40% of Rider Sum Assured

Full reimbursement of the actual expenses up to 30% of the Rider Sum Assured (for 1 breast) or 40% of Rider Sum Assured (for both breast) upon undergoing plastic or reconstructive surgery of the breast(s) due to accident or breast cancer.


B. Golden Year Benefit (Benefit will commence upon attaining age 50)

1.  Hip or Femur Fractures due to Osteoporosis – up to 20% of Rider Sum Assured

Full reimbursement of the actual expenses incurred up to 20% of the Rider Sum Assured upon undergoing invasive surgery due to hip or femur fractures sustained in the presence of Osteoporosis.

2.  Joint Replacement Surgery for Arthritis – up to 20% of Rider Sum Assured

Full reimbursement of the actual expenses incurred up to 20% of the Rider Sum Assured upon undergoing joint replacement surgery for Arthritis.


C. Periodic Health Assessment Benefit (Every 3 Years)

1.  Periodic Health Assessment Benefit

At the end of every 3 years, a letter of guarantee will be issued entitling You to seek reimbursement on actual expenses incurred for medical examination carried out on the Life Assured by our appointed medical centers/hospitals/ clinics. The amount of reimbursement shall not exceed 0.5% of the Rider Sum Assured.

What are the benefits of this medical insurance?

Coverage for Pregnancy Complications

(Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), Ectopic Pregnancy, Still Birth, Hydatidiform Mole (Molar Pregnancy), Eclampsia (Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy))Upon diagnosis from any one of the above-mentioned pregnancy complications, 20% of the Rider Sum Assured will be payable.

Congenital Anomalies

(Down’s Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Tetralogy of Fallot, Transposition of Great Vessels)
If the child is diagnosed to be suffering from any one of the above-mentioned congenital anomalies, 30% of the Rider Sum Assured will be payable.

Neonatal Death

If the child dies within thirty (30) days from the delivery due to sickness or disease, 20% of the Rider Sum Assured will be payable.

Schedule of Benefits

Description of Benefits Ringgit Malaysia (RM)
Without Maternity
With Maternity
I) Benefits
A. Female Illness Benefit
1 Female Cancer 100% of Rider Sum Assured less any payment under benefit A(2)
2 Carcinoma-In-Situ Breast(s) or Cervix Uteri) 20% of Rider Sum Assured
3 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis 100% of Rider Sum Assured less any payment under benefit A(2)
4 Facial Reconstructive Surgery due to Accident Reimbursement up to 20% of Rider Sum Assured
5 Skin Grafting due to Skin Cancer or Accidental Burning Reimbursement up to 30% of Rider Sum Assured
6 Reconstructive Surgery for Breast(s) due to Accident or Breast(s) Cancer
- 1 Breast
- 2 Breast
Reimbursement up to 30% of Rider Sum Assured
Reimbursement up to 40% of Rider Sum Assured
B. Golden Year Benefit (The benefit shall commence upon attained age 50)
1 Hip or Femur Fractures due to Osteoporosis Reimbursement up to 20% of Rider Sum Assured
2 Joint Replacement Surgery for Arthritis Reimbursement up to 20% of Rider Sum Assured
C. Periodic Health Assessment Benefit Reimbursement up to 0.5% of Rider Sum Assured (Every 3 years)
D. Optional Benefits (Maternity Benefit) (The benefit shall cease upon attained age 45)
1.Coverage for Pregnancy Complications (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC), Ectopic Pregnancy, Still Birth, Hydatidiform Mole (Molar Pregnancy), Eclampsia (Severe Hypertension in Pregnancy)) Not available 20% of Rider Sum Assured
2.Congenital Anomalies (Down’s Syndrome, Spina Bifida, Tetralogy of Fallot, Transposition of Great Vessels) 30% of Rider Sum Assured
3. Neonatal Death 20% of Rider Sum Assured
4. Death due to Child Birth 100% of Rider Sum Assured

• Upon claims of benefit under Item (I) A.1, (I) A.3, (I) D.4, the rider will be terminated.
• Upon claims of Breast(s) Cancer, the Life Assured is still entitled for Reconstructive Surgery for Breast due to Accident or Breast(s) Cancer within 3 years from the mastectomy only
• Payment under Carcinoma In-Situ of Breast or Cervix Uteri (Item (I) A.2) will reduce benefit payable under Female Cancer (Item (I) A.1) or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis (Item (I) A.3).
• The aggregate amount of benefits payable under both Item (I) A.4 and Item (I) A.5 shall not exceed 30% of the Rider Sum Assured in total in respect of the same Accident.

The product features above are not exhaustive. Please refer to the policy contract for more details.

Learn More

Entry Age (age next birthday)

Minimum Maximum
16 years 60 years old (without maternity benefit)
or 40 years old (with maternity benefit)

Rider Term/Premium Paying Term
Up to age next birthday 70 or end of basic policy term, whichever is earlier.

RM20,000 Subject to underwriting
16 years 60 years old (without maternity benefit)
or 40 years old (with maternity benefit)

Rider Sum Assured must be in the multiples of RM10,000.

  1. For premium paying rider (attachable to traditional life insurance policies), you can pay your premiums in the following frequencies: yearly, half-yearly, quarterly or monthly.
  2. Premiums for the premium paying rider are guaranteed throughout the premium paying term.
  3. The rider premiums that you have to pay vary depending on the coverage chosen, age at entry, rider term etc.

1. For unit deducting rider (attachable to Investment-Linked Policies), the insurance charge is not guaranteed. The insurance charge is varied according to the attained age, gender, benefit, occupational class and the medical rating.The Company reserves the right to vary the insurance charge by giving you thirty (30) days prior written notice.

The benefit shall not be payable if the insured events occur directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any of the following occurrences:

  1. Pre-existing illnesses before the rider Issue Date or at the time of any reinstatement date of the rider;
  2. For any covered benefits of which Life Assured should have been aware or of which symptoms were evident or for which she received medical advice or treatment prior to the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
  3. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), AIDS related complex, infection by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
  4. Below are a few of the exclusion clauses. Please refer to your policy contract for the complete list of exclusion clauses:
    1. Female Cancer
      • Cancer symptoms arising within thirty (30) days from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
    2. Carcinoma In-Situ (Breast(s) or Cervix Uteri)
      • Carcinoma In-Situ symptoms arising within ninety (90) days from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
    3. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) with Lupus Nephritis
      • SLE with Lupus Nephritis symptoms arising within thirty (30) days from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
    4. Facial Reconstructive Surgery due to Accident
      • Facial disfigurement as a result of an accident occuring before the date of commencement of the rider or before the date of any reinstatement, whichever is later.
      • Any facial surgery performed for purely cosmetic and aesthetic reasons.
    5. Skin Grafting due to Skin Cancer or Accidental Burning
      • Skin grafting due to removal of Malignant Skin Cancer within the waiting period of thirty (30) days in respect of this covered benefit.
    6. Reconstructive Surgery for Breast(s) due to Accident or Breast(s) Cancer(s)
      • Reconstructive surgery for breast(s) as a result of accident or Breast(s) Cancer(s) or Breast(s) Surgery occurring before the date of commencement of the rider or before the date of any reinstatement, whichever is later.
      • Cosmetic breast surgery not resulting from mastectomy or an accident.
    7. Hip or Femur Fractures due to Osteoporosis
      • Hip or Femur Fractures due to Osteoporosis symptoms occurs within thirty (30) days from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
    8. Joint Replacement Surgery for Arthritis
      • Joint Replacement Surgery for Arthritis occurs within ninety (90) days from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
      • Surgery due to trauma or accident resulting in joint fractures necessitating joint replacement surgery.
    9. Coverage for Pregnancy Complications
      • Complication of Pregnancy occurs within twelve (12) months from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of rider, whichever is later.
    10. Congenital Anomalies
      • The child is delivered within twelve (12) months from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
      • Childbirth results from fertility treatment, including in-vitro fertilisations.
    11. Neonatal Death
      • The child is delivered within twelve (12) months from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
      • Death of the child occurs after thirty (30) days from the delivery date.
    12. Death due to Child Birth
      • The child is delivered within twelve (12) months from the date of commencement of the rider or any reinstatement date of the rider, whichever is later.
      • Death not directly attributable to complications of childbirth.
      • Death occurring during the first one hundred and sixty-eight (168) days of pregnancy or after thirty (30) days from delivery date.

Note: The above list is not exhaustive. Please refer to the supplementary contract for full details of the exclusions.


  • The product information provided on this website is for general information only and shall not be construed as a policy of insurance. You are advised to refer to the Product Brochure, Sales Illustration (if applicable), Product Disclosure Sheet and Policy Contract for complete details of the product.